Friday, April 6, 2007

a girl i'm so eager to talk to....

yeah... i know, this is a topic most wouldnt miss! lol... there's this really interesting girl that i've been so eagerly wanting to talk to from my first semester. right from the day i first noticed her, i've harboured thoughts of how i'm gonna approach her and befriend her... but alas! i've still havent made the move yet! :) infact there was this one time that i happened to talk to her on the pretext of a questionaire for one of our projects, but she rushed away saying she was hungry and wanted to grab some food for her hungry tummy! :P ever since, i've been devising plans to be able to spark a conversation with her, (just like my buddy in the Road-runner show on cartoon network does everyday to catch the birdie.. fate is, i still aint successful!) interestingly though, she happens to be close to one of the girls my seniors know, cause i've seen her move around with her a lot of times at the campus... :D thats interesting cause i was able to track her orkut id through this friend's id.... he he he he... but lets hope i dont screw it up even before something cooks up! alrighty, now i call it quits for the moment, cause i've gotta catch some sleep... its 5 am and i've been awake all night... have an exam in the afternoon too.. ciao!

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