Tuesday, May 29, 2007

An evening at the Sankey...

The wind blew hard... the sky went all dull... the clouds closed in, darkening the evening sky... I was with Shiraz, my closest buddy since school, enjoying the serene beauty around the lake (Sankey Tank). I've come here before, but long ago when i was a small kid... we could fish then, and there was no path way like there is now... Now i see people, young n old, all around, some walking briskly, some strolling casually... its nice to see people actually enjoy the little nature thats left in Bangalore... though they dont do anything to keep it enjoyable for the future... its hard to imagine that people ignore the little responsibility of keeping the city clean and just indulge so much more in making it hard to keep it beautiful... i wonder why? hmmm.. well, these thoughts always pass my mind, everyday... anyways. Shiraz n me decided to sit around a corner and watch the lake as the lights from other side of the lake shimmered the surface so elegantly... and the evening sky, looked so perfect for a picture. and then i wondered... how many years more would we be able to enjoy this splendour?

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