looking at the bangalore traffic recently i just wondered, how much of the road-space is occupied by one guy who is sitting inside this big sedan of his, which, i feel is a prime cause of so much traffic... and to add to this, there are plenty more on the road... a huge car and jus one guy inside... i jus mentioned this to one of my friend who owns a car himself and he revolted back saying "shouldnt people have personal desires? should they stop buying cars? and should they ferry every tom, dick n harry in his car because of this?"... i was dumbfounded by the reply i got, cause he didnot see what i was trying to point out at, instead he took it personally, cause he drives around his car alone too. unless people feel the need from within themselves to do their bit to the enrivonment, nothing will change. people complain about the rising traffic in the city, and continue to complain, but no one, absolutely no one takes the responsibility of the fact that they are too adding to all this every day. when asked why, they give all possible reasons but in spite of all this, they do not budge from throwing mud at other commuters on the road. the sad part i feel is that "WE" have not encouraged the government to cultivate the habit of travelling in public transports nor has the government encouraged us to do so with efficient and friendly public transport systems. i dont think the government needs to spend huge amounts to build metros or any such thing to help reduce the traffic problems here in Bangalore. all they need to do is provide us with proper road transport, spend on the proper maintainance of buses, buy better newer buses, and encourage the companies to ask its employees to use the public systems for travel between work and home. but all this only seems like a fantasy, cause im sure people will have all sorts of reasons and hit back at me for this "ideal" looking solution. I used to love my city, not that i dont now, but looking at the way people are bringing it down, and that too so rapidly, i rather move out of this place, which once was my heaven!